Visual Studio volumes

How does the extension handle volumes of type bind? Outside of VS I was playing around. I made a container and gave it a bind volume ( /host_mnt/c/myCrank:/tmp). This works However when I use the volumes option in VS it does not. Since in VS makes a container on the host system to do the build what happens to volume when it gets deployed on the remote system (the Verdin SOM)? The host directory tree will be a little different . The windows WSL host will always have /mnt/c/ but the remote linux will not…unless I create the directory’s.


Greetings @jeffbelz,

Allow me to clarify, when you set the volumes/bind-mounts configuration in the extension what this does is setting the volume/bind-mount for the container that will run on the remote system. One thing to keep in mind is that the development/SDK container on the development machine is different and separate from the application container that runs on the remote system. To use that configuration property correctly you need to be thinking of file paths in terms of the remote system not the development machine.

Just to understand are you trying to create a bind-mount on your development machine to the development container? Or is there another use-case going on here?

Best Regards,

Just trying to understand how the extension works. What would be beneficial in the future (as feed back) would be the option to bind mount on the build machine too. This would have eliminated the difficulties of using an external library. or have the the build happen on the remote machine and eliminate a windows docker step all together.

Thanks for all the help over the past few weeks. The platform is very nice and the quick response was great.

Always happy to help clarify. I’ll provide your feedback to our extensions team.

or have the the build happen on the remote machine and eliminate a windows docker step all together

This is not recommended. While it is always possible to build applications on our modules it’s usually not ideal. On any modern development machine it will generally be faster to compile applications there rather than natively on the target module.

Best Regards,