VF50 128IT 1.2B eboot 1.3 problem

Dear @germano.tx ,

it is sad and hard to believe what you say.

We start using the Colibri VF50 V1.2A late in 2015.
At that time there have been several BSP releases, some of those with new feature related to the PIT:

  1. “PIT Timers didn’t call IST”
  2. “Use ARM timer instead of PIT for scheduling and other timing-related tasks in the BSP”

We had an issue related to WC-2581 (at the time, it was tracked as “issue #9134”),
see “After ISSUE #9134 (BSP V1.3beta1) PIT interrupt stop working”,
and nobody from Toradex, neither @luka.tx nor @valter.tx, signaled us we were doing wrong using the PIT timer #7.

Now, can you please indicated us which PIT timer it is safe to use “forever”?

With Kind Regards
G. Scotti

PS: there are still other pending issues, please see.