Verdin iMX8M Plus EEprom Adress

Hello all,

In the datasheet is mentioned that the internal EEprom is the M24C02. Depending on the package and the pinout there are different addresses available (0b1010XXX). Which is the one used on the Verdin iMX8M Plus EEprom? I can’t find it in the documentation.
Thanks for your help.

Best regards


Hi @C_Mueller !

Indeed this information is missing on our datasheet. Thanks for pointing this out.

You can find the address from the device tree: imx8mp-verdin.dtsi « freescale « dts « boot « arm64 « arch - linux-toradex.git - Linux kernel for Apalis, Colibri and Verdin modules

Its address is 0x50.

But be aware that this EEPROM is meant for internal Toradex use.

Best regards,

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Thank you very much for clarifying.

Best regards