Please find attached the demsg output for the IMX8X module. :
The RESET_OS LED is not flashing with IMX6X. I was able to load the image below. The only issue I have with the IMX6X is the USB ports do not work. I am able to SSH into the device and VNC.
The Angstrom Distribution \n \l
Angstrom v2017.12 - Kernel
Colibri-iMX6ULL_LXDE-Image 2.8b7. 20200610.
With the IMX8X board re-installed Easy Installer using the windows-recovery tool how ever once the installer loads I am not able to load any images due to the lack of internet and USB. I am also unable to get the dmesg output as the board currently has no image on it.
Attached is the demsg output for IMX6XULLlink text
Just an update. I was able to get the touch screen to work on IMX6XULL by updating the device tree as specified in the documentation online.
However; I still have no network and USB on IMX8X and no USB on IMX6XULL.
Hi @peter.tx
- LED (LED7, LED8, LED9, and LED10) << These LEDS are not lit regardless of the USB port I plug into
- Both 3.3V and 5V LEDS are lit and I measured that both rails have their respective voltages
- On my board X12 Pin 49 is USB_C_DET and its measuring at 0.0V
- I also measured Pin 47 USB_PE# which is also low
- Pin 48 USB_OC is at 3.3V.
- The USB OTG port is working as expected
- X27 is also working as expected although I believe this is using the RS232 protocol.,
- Pins 2 and 3 are shorted
- 3.3 Volts is present at the jumper
**Note when I connect the IMX6XULL module ethernet is functional and ETH_LINK_ACT or ETH_SPEED LEDs are blinking.
I do not see any damage to the modules or connectors.
Is there any update for me ? Is it possible the IMX8X SOM and the Evaluation board are defective ?
Hi @nmohan86
Could you share a complete dmesg.log from the iMX8X module? Please make also sure to install the newest nightly build on your module.
Thanks and best regards,
I am not able to get the dmesg output. When I try to flash an image onto it it keeps freezing.
Now I am just stuck in uboot. The previous demsg output I attached shows USB and ethernet related errors. Does that not suffice?