Greetings @vix,
This seems to be the same type of issue as I helped you with in this thread: Torizoncore-builder maximum version for docker-compose.yml
Basically, TorizonCore Builder uses a python library based on docker-compose version 1.26.2 to parse and handle compose files. I checked the version history of docker-compose and I can see that support for service profiles was added with compose version 1.28.0. Therefore the version of compose in TorizonCore Builder does not know about this syntax/flag.
One work-around would be to rebuild TorizonCore Builder using a newer version of the compose Python library. The source for TorizonCore Builder can be found here: GitHub - toradex/torizoncore-builder: TorizonCore Builder is a tool that allows the customization of TorizonCore images.
Our team is currently aware of our tool using an older version of compose and it’s still under evaluation whether we upgrade this.
Best Regards,