Taking video images to Mission Planner application with Gstreamer on IMX8MP processor

INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.GStreamer - look in dir /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.GStreamer - look in dir /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf
INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.GStreamer - look in dir /root/MissionPlanner
INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.GStreamer - Found gstreamer /root/MissionPlanner/gstreamer/gstreamer-1.0-x86_64-1.14.4/gstreamer/1.0/x86_64/bin/libgstreamer-1.0-0.dll

Native Crash Reporting

Got a SIGSEGV while executing native code. This usually indicates
a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries
used by your application.

Native stacktrace:

0x55627164a4 - mono : 
0x55627167e8 - mono : 
0x55626e8810 - mono : 
0x55626ae200 - mono : 
0x7fb1e4878c - linux-vdso.so.1 : __kernel_rt_sigreturn
0x7fad204f94 - /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0 : g_path_get_basename
0x7fad22d7c0 - /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0 : g_option_context_parse
0x7f217ad6f0 - /usr/lib/libgstreamer-1.0.so.0 : gst_init_check
0x7f217ad794 - /usr/lib/libgstreamer-1.0.so.0 : gst_init
0x7fa41dc138 - Unknown

Telemetry Dumper:

Could not exec mono-hang-watchdog, expected on path ‘/etc/…/bin/mono-hang-watchdog’ (errno 2)
Pkilling 0x547435778400x from 0x546026025312x
Pkilling 0x548273676640x from 0x546026025312x
Pkilling 0x547437941088x from 0x546026025312x
Pkilling 0x547433140576x from 0x546026025312x
Pkilling 0x548241535328x from 0x546026025312x
Pkilling 0x547440103776x from 0x546026025312x
Pkilling 0x548243698016x from 0x546026025312x
Pkilling 0x547427037536x from 0x546026025312x
Pkilling 0x548245860704x from 0x546026025312x
Pkilling 0x547845812576x from 0x546026025312x
Pkilling 0x548445327392x from 0x546026025312x
Pkilling 0x547455717728x from 0x546026025312x
Pkilling 0x547457880416x from 0x546026025312x
Pkilling 0x547850744160x from 0x546026025312x
Pkilling 0x547460043104x from 0x546026025312x
Pkilling 0x547852906848x from 0x546026025312x
Pkilling 0x547462205792x from 0x546026025312x
Pkilling 0x548237472096x from 0x546026025312x
Pkilling 0x547442463072x from 0x546026025312x
Pkilling 0x547464368480x from 0x546026025312x
Pkilling 0x547444625760x from 0x546026025312x
Pkilling 0x547451048288x from 0x546026025312x
Pkilling 0x546053534048x from 0x546026025312x
Pkilling 0x547453210976x from 0x546026025312x
Pkilling 0x546055696736x from 0x546026025312x
Pkilling 0x548441338208x from 0x546026025312x
Pkilling 0x547828216160x from 0x546026025312x
Pkilling 0x547830378848x from 0x546026025312x
Pkilling 0x547832541536x from 0x546026025312x
Pkilling 0x547467817312x from 0x546026025312x
Pkilling 0x547414471008x from 0x546026025312x
Pkilling 0x547416633696x from 0x546026025312x
Pkilling 0x547418796384x from 0x546026025312x
Pkilling 0x547420959072x from 0x546026025312x
Entering thread summarizer pause from 0x546026025312x
Finished thread summarizer pause from 0x546026025312x.
Failed to create breadcrumb file (null)/crash_hash_0x7cd4dec49
Trying to register response after dumping period endedThread 0x548245860704x reported itself.
Trying to register response after dumping period endedThread 0x547852906848x reported itself.
Trying to register response after dumping period endedThread 0x548243698016x reported itself.
Trying to register response after dumping period endedThread 0x548445327392x reported itself.
Trying to register response after dumping period endedThread 0x548237472096x reported itself.
Trying to register response after dumping period endedThread 0x548273676640x reported itself.
Trying to register response after dumping period endedThread 0x547467817312x reported itself.
Trying to register response after dumping period endedThread 0x547830378848x reported itself.
Trying to register response after dumping period endedThread 0x547828216160x reported itself.
Trying to register response after dumping period endedThread 0x548241535328x reported itself.
Trying to register response after dumping period endedThread 0x547845812576x reported itself.
Trying to register response after dumping period endedThread 0x547832541536x reported itself.

Waiting for dumping threads to resume

External Debugger Dump:

mono_gdb_render_native_backtraces not supported on this platform, unable to find gdb or lldb

Basic Fault Address Reporting

Memory around native instruction pointer (0x7fad204f94):0x7fad204f84 fd 7b be a9 fd 03 00 91 f3 53 01 a9 a0 06 00 b4 .{…S…
0x7fad204f94 01 00 40 39 f4 03 00 aa 41 04 00 34 0c 63 ff 97 …@9…A…4.c…
0x7fad204fa4 02 04 00 d1 a0 00 00 b5 28 00 00 14 42 04 00 d1 …(…B…
0x7fad204fb4 5f 04 00 b1 a0 04 00 54 80 6a 62 38 1f bc 00 71 _…T.jb8…q

Managed Stacktrace:

  at <unknown> <0xffffffff>
  at LinuxNativeMethods:gst_init <0x00007>
  at NativeMethods:gst_init <0x0006f>
  at MissionPlanner.Utilities.GStreamer:ThreadStart <0x00177>
  at System.Threading.ThreadHelper:ThreadStart_Context <0x00103>
  at System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal <0x0019b>
  at System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run <0x0002b>
  at System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run <0x0004b>
  at System.Threading.ThreadHelper:ThreadStart <0x00077>
  at <Module>:runtime_invoke_void__this___object <0x000f3>

Aborted (core dumped)

Hi, I’m the Toradex AI Assistant. The Toradex Support team will follow up with you shortly!

Did you like my answer?

:+1: :-1:

Hello there!

It seems you’re encountering a segmentation fault while using GStreamer with the Mission Planner application on your iMX8MP processor. This error typically arises during the initialization of GStreamer, as indicated by the gst_init function call in your logs.

Here are some potential causes and steps you can take to troubleshoot this issue:

Potential Causes:

  1. GStreamer Initialization Issues: The error might be due to incorrect library paths or incompatible GStreamer versions.
  2. Path and Option Handling: Functions like g_path_get_basename and g_option_context_parse in the stack trace suggest possible issues with path or option handling.
  3. Thread Management: The report indicates multiple threads were terminated, which could point to threading issues.
  4. Mono Runtime Configuration: The failure to execute mono-hang-watchdog suggests broader configuration problems.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  1. Verify GStreamer Installation: Ensure GStreamer is correctly installed with all necessary dependencies and is compatible with your application and processor.
  2. Check Library Paths: Confirm that your environment’s library paths are correctly set for the ARM architecture of the iMX8MP.
  3. Review Application Configuration: Ensure all paths and options in your application’s configuration files are correctly specified.
  4. Examine Threading Model: Review your application’s thread management, especially during initialization and error handling.
  5. Test in a Different Environment: If possible, try running the application in a different environment or with a different GStreamer version to isolate the issue.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify and resolve the cause of the segmentation fault. Proper configuration of your application and its dependencies will help prevent such issues in the future.

Best regards,
Toradex AI Assistant

Please, also check if these links can help you solve your problem:




Hi @Abdullah!

Could you please provide more information about your issue? We always recommend giving as much detail as possible, which facilitates the support.

Best regards.
Lucas Azeituno

Thanks for your reply, but I’m not trying to run Mission Planner anymore.
Thanks anyway

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