Hi @hfranco.tx,
Thanks for following up on the topic.
I actually did not manage to get it to work and I have abandoned it. First of all because it took already so much of my time (incuding the switch from Torizon to BSP/Yocto…) while still not sure whether it would work someday. Also because there is another issue that I’m not sure of: the performance of the M4 outside it TCM seems to be too low for my purposes: I have to transfer about 1M 16-bit samples per second to the Linux/A7 processor(s).
The solution I implemented is using an external microcontroller (PIC32) which interfaces with the ADCs via two parallel SPI interfaces using DMA (something which is not available on the M4). The prepared packet (without much CPU intervention) is then sent over a local Ethernet link to the Colibri. I got this working in only a few days…
So you can close this topic since I will not need a solution anymore… despite of the good support I always get from you guys!
Best regards,