Remove QT5 & Add QT6 in imx6ull

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Hello Prial Joshi,

To replace Qt5 with Qt6 in your Yocto build for the iMX6ULL on an Aster carrier board, you can follow these steps:

  1. Set Up Your Yocto Environment:

    • Ensure your Yocto Project environment is properly set up and that you have the necessary layers for your build.
  2. Remove Qt5:

    • Open the local.conf file in your Yocto build directory, typically located at build/conf/.
    • Remove or comment out any lines that include Qt5 packages. These lines might look like IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " qtbase qtdeclarative ..." where Qt5 components are listed.
  3. Add Qt6 Layer:

    • Add the meta-qt6 layer to your Yocto setup. You can find this layer in the OpenEmbedded Layer Index or directly from the Qt Project’s repositories.
    • Clone the meta-qt6 layer into your Yocto layers directory using the following command:
      git clone
    • Add this layer to your bblayers.conf file, which is also found in build/conf/:
      BBLAYERS += "<path-to-your-yocto-dir>/meta-qt6"
  4. Configure Qt6 in Your Build:

    • In your local.conf, add the Qt6 packages you need. For example:
      IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " qt6-base qt6-declarative ..."
    • Ensure any dependencies required by Qt6 are also included.
  5. Build the Image:

    • Run the bitbake command to build your image:
      bitbake <your-image-name>
    • This will compile the image with Qt6 instead of Qt5.
  6. Deploy and Test:

    • Once the build is complete, flash the image to your iMX6ULL module using the Toradex Easy Installer or your preferred method.
    • Test your applications to ensure they work correctly with Qt6.

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully replace Qt5 with Qt6 in your Yocto build for the iMX6ULL. Make sure to check for any specific dependencies or configurations required by your applications when transitioning to Qt6.

Best regards,
Toradex AI Assistant

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