Read SoC Unique ID for AM62 modules

The method to retrieve the SoC Unique ID does not seem to work for AM62 modules.

How can I retrieve the unique CPU ID on these modules?


Hi, I’m the Toradex AI Assistant. The Toradex Support team will follow up with you shortly!

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To retrieve the unique CPU ID on AM62 modules, you can follow these recommendations:

  1. Consult Official Documentation: Check the official Toradex documentation or support resources for AM62 modules, as they may have specific instructions or alternative methods for retrieving the unique CPU ID.

  2. Explore Alternative Methods: Since the standard method may not work, consider exploring alternative methods or tools compatible with the AM62 architecture. This might involve accessing specific registers or using different commands tailored for AM62 modules.

  3. Community Support: Engage with the Toradex community or support forums to gain insights or solutions from other users who have faced similar issues. They might have discovered workarounds or alternative methods.

  4. Check for Updates: Ensure you are using the latest version of the documentation and software, as updates may improve functionality and compatibility.

  5. Manufacturer Support: If standard methods fail, reach out directly to Toradex support for assistance. They may have specific tools or commands applicable to the AM62 modules for retrieving the unique CPU ID.

  6. Investigate Hardware Limitations: Be aware of any specific hardware or software limitations of the AM62 modules that might affect the retrieval of the SoC Unique ID.

By following these steps, you may be able to successfully retrieve the unique CPU ID for your AM62 modules. If difficulties persist, further investigation into specific configurations or settings required for AM62 may be necessary.

Please, also check if these links can help you solve your problem:

TI AM62 Computer on Module - Verdin AM62.

As I said, the official documentation does not work for AM62.

Hello @drhkocher,

Welcome to the Toradex Community!

Sorry for the delay on this topic.

I can confirm that the method described in the developer website page does not currently work for the Verdin AM62.
To read the SoC unique ID, you will need to use the Texas Instruments System Controller Interface (TISCI).

The ability to read the SoC unique ID is not available by default in Torizon OS and our reference images.
Is this a requirement for you?

If so, the following documentation from TI may be useful:

Best Regards,