Plugging HDMI cable after boot does not show image on the monitor

Hi @kevin.tx

This is what I use:

# cat /etc/issue
|       |                  .-.           o o        
|   |   |-----.-----.-----.| |   .----..-----.-----.
|       |     | __  |  ---'| '--.|  .-'|     |     |
|   |   |  |  |     |---  ||  --'|  |  |  '  | | | |
'---'---'--'--'--.  |-----''----''--'  '-----'-'-'-'
                -'  |

The Angstrom Distribution \n \l

Angstrom v2017.12 - Kernel 

Apalis-iMX6_LXDE-Image 2.8b6 20200228

The module is Apalis-iMX6 over an Ixora board.

“Just out of curiosity, does the monitor show an image if you plug it in before booting? Or does it show an image at all?”

  • Yes, in case the cable has been plugged in before booting, everything appears on the monitor - from the boot log to the application that I am running as a service.

“Have you disabled the tty during boot? Can you see the boot log on the monitor?”

  • No, I have not disabled anything. I see the log on the monitor while booting.