Pink line on edge of 1280x800 HDMI display

Honestly I’m still kind of skeptical whether the splash screen has anything to do with this pink line. Especially since you’re using the imx8 HDMI output, which doesn’t even output the splash screen if I recall: Splash Screen on Torizon OS | Toradex Developer Center

I recall in another thread of yours you were powering the module and display off the same power supply. This casued some race condition type issues for you due to the timing of things getting powered-on: 1280x800 hdmi screen not displaying via hdmi

As a sanity check have you tried separately powering the module and display? When doing this maybe also try using the display’s built-in edid instead of the one you’re providing externally. Just want to make sure it’s not some kind of race or edid issue again.

Best Regards,