No more Bootloader after save Configblock Splashscreen

After changing some splashscreen parameters, the iMX7-Colibbri module no longer displays the bootloader menu. Also in Recovery mode the menu is no longer available. What can I do?

Output RS232:
BootLoader Configuration:

C) Clear Flash Registry
X) Enter CommandPrompt Mode
D) Download image to RAM now
F) Download image to FLASH now
L) Launch existing flash resident image now

Enter your selection: x

Config List:
  mac:          Ethernet MAC Address
  ip:           IP Config
* boot:         Boot Config
  ser:          Serial Port Config
  gpio:         GPIOs Config
  hw:           HW Version
* dbg:          Debug Config
* ss:           SplashScreen Config
  pex:          Processor Extensions
* part:         Partition Config
  mem:          Memory Config

>set ss
ss.fileaddr:    0x0     (FlashAddress with SplashScreen Data)
ss.filesize:    0               (Size of SplashScreen Data)
ss.enable:      0               (Enable SplashScreen)
ss.dbginfo:     1               (Enable DebugInfos)
ss.res: 0x0     (Reserved Flags)
ss.width:       640             (Display Width)
ss.height:      480             (Display Height)
ss.bpp: 16              (BitsPerPixel)
ss.ldds:        18              (LCD Lines Used)
ss.type:        1               (Display Type (0=Passive, 1=Active))
ss.color:       1               (0=Mono, 1=Color)
ss.dual:        0               (0=SinglePanel, 1=DualPanel)
ss.overlay:     0               (Overlay Enable)
ss.dpc: 0               (Double Pixel Clock)
ss.pcp: 0               (Pixel Clock Polarity)
ss.oep: 1               (Output Enable Polarity)
ss.hsp: 0               (Horizontal Sync Polarity)
ss.vsp: 0               (Vertical Sync Polarity)  5               (LCD Buffer Strength)
ss.pclk:        33000000                (PixelClock (in Hz))
ss.hsw: 1               (Horizontal Sync Width)
ss.vsw: 1               (Vertical Sync Width)
ss.blw: 10              (Begin of Line Width)
ss.elw: 40              (End of Line Width)
ss.bfw: 5               (Begin of Frame Width)
ss.efw: 5               (End of Frame Width)
ss.acb: 0               (AC Bias Frequency)
ss.disp_gpio:   140             (Display On/Off Gpio)
ss.bl_gpio:     141             (BackLight On/Off Gpio)
ss.dispondelay: 0               (Display On Delay (ms))
ss.disp_pol:    1               (Display On/Off polarity)
ss.bl_pol:      1               (BackLight On/Off polarity)
ss.pcddiv:      1               (Enable Pixel Clock PreDivider)
ss.res: 0x1F80  (Reserved Flags)
ss.fbaddr:      0x0     (Phys FrameBuffer,Palette and Descr Address (0=Auto))
ss.edidaddr:    0x0     (i2c address of the EDID EEPROM (0..0x7f))
ss.edidenable:  0               (enable read from EDID EEPROM)

Invalid Command

>set ss.enable=1

>save ss
Finding configblock...
Writing 5 sector(s) of bootargs data from sector 1792.

>Toradex Bootloader 1.0b4 for iMX7 Built Jul 20 2017
Reset cause: Power-up sequence
Toradex Bootloader 1.0b4 for iMX7 Built Jul 20 2017
Reset cause: Booting from recovery mode
Overriding config block settings. Setting Delay to 30s and [SPACE] for bootloader entry
Toradex Bootloader 1.0b4 for iMX7 Built Jul 20 2017
Reset cause: Booting from recovery mode
Overriding config block settings. Setting Delay to 30s and [SPACE] for bootloader entry
Toradex Bootloader 1.0b4 for iMX7 Built Jul 20 2017
Reset cause: Power-up sequence
Toradex Bootloader 1.0b4 for iMX7 Built Jul 20 2017
Reset cause: Booting from recovery mode
Overriding config block settings. Setting Delay to 30s and [SPACE] for bootloader entry

Did you try to re-flash the image from scratch?
It may be that some config block settings are causing a crash in the loader as soon as it loads the splash screen. Flashing from recovery mode should reset settings to default values.

Do yo mean this:
//Flashing Embedded Linux to iMX7 Modules

or is there also a possibility using WCE?

If you use the bring-up instructions here

up to step 9 (enter bootloader console) and then type:
eraseflash 28 5
The device should now reboot using default parameters.

I have already tried this three times (see “output RS232” lines 79, 82 and 87), but there is no bootloader console - and therefore i can’t input anything!

You can’t enter the console even after you do the first step of recovery mode procedure and boot from SD card?

I’ve made a text

do you have any idea what this could be? We can not work with the module anymore.

Ok, what happens if you press space on the serial terminal?
If you can enter the menu, then type X and then:

eraseflash 28 5


this should clean the config block.
Then you can use the flashloader and flashimage command to re-flash the device.

No matter which button I push on the serial terminal, I see no command line. This is only for this module so, a second works as it is in the description.

So pressing space does not enter the boot menu at all?
It seems that the module is no longer receiving data on the UART.

Yes, that’s exactly how it looks. So the question is: is there another way to restore the module or reset it completely?

You may try to flash linux on it, at least to check if there is an HW issue with the UART that prevents it from receiving data. If other modules work on the same carrier, this may be an HW issue.

Thank you for the information, and sorry for the issue.

I have installed the easyinstaller successfully on the iMX7 module and cleared the flash. After that I could flash as usual bootloader and image. The module is working again. Thank you for your help.