LCD issues with green color channel

Hi Alex,

Thanks for your fast reply. Unfortunately, I can’t share any schematics yet, since our partner is the one doing the hardware design for the carrier board. We’ll ask them about a corresponding snippet. However, I can tell you the pins we’re using for the connection to the display:

  • R0-R7 are SODIMM 57, 61, 136, 138, 140, 142, 144, 146
  • G0-G7 are SODIMM 62, 48, 74, 50, 52, 54, 66, 64
  • B0-B7 are SODIMM 76, 70, 60, 58, 78, 72, 80, 46
  • LCD RGB DE 44, HSYNC 68, VSYNC 82 and CLK 56
    So all pins are assigned as per datasheet. I also checked if all are correctly set to lcdif.DATA in the GPIO tool. We already had some issues with the 24bit interface before that you were able to help us with in this post.

As soon as I get schematics and confirmation from our partner, I will post an update. However, I will be on vacation the next two weeks, so it will take a while.