I2C VF61 Stop working

I have a problem with I2C1 the configuration is:

i2c_vyb.VybI2c_SetConfigInt(hI2c, "BitRateHz", 100000, TdxCommon.ParamStorageType.StoreVolatile);  
i2c_vyb.VybI2c_SetConfigInt(hI2c, "SlaveAddrSize", 7, TdxCommon.ParamStorageType.StoreVolatile);  
i2c_vyb.VybI2c_SetConfigInt(hI2c, "RegisterAddr", 0, TdxCommon.ParamStorageType.StoreVolatile);  
i2c_vyb.VybI2c_SetConfigInt(hI2c, "RegisterAddrSize", 0, TdxCommon.ParamStorageType.StoreVolatile);  
i2c_vyb.VybI2c_SetConfigInt(hI2c, "SlaveAddr", 0x60, TdxCommon.ParamStorageType.StoreVolatile);

IntPtr valuePointer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(values.Length);
Marshal.Copy(values, 0, valuePointer, values.Length);
    i2c_vyb.VybI2c_Write(hI2c, valuePointer, (uint)values.Length);

After a few minutes the I2C1 line is down and I can’t do nothing only reboot help.

Visible on the pictures from oscilloscope :

What is the pull up value resistor?
Could you please try 1.8K pull up on the I2C bus and let us know still if you see the problem.

I have 10K pull up I changed to 1.8K last Friday and modified code. Is working but I need more time for testing.


Here’s almost identical my issue.

If your I2C slaves are fast enough to not attempt to stretch I2C clock, then you may initialize your SCL pin as push/pull instead of open drain. This solves issue reliably. Of course in this case you should provide series current limiting resistor between Vybrid SCL and I2C slaves .
