How to update to BSP 2.8.7

I have noticed that there is a maintenance release 2.8.7 with new backports available. Which would be the correct way to update to this BSP version? A repo init to “LinuxImageV2.8” did not do the trick and i cannot find an appropriate tag.
Additionally will the fix to use RT kernel patch for iMX6 described here be part of this maintenance release as announced?
Thanks in advance.

Ok. Great to hear that there will be a maintenance release at all. We are looking forward to this release as some of our products have issues with the current BSP version. I have noticed that the integration branch seems to contain some of the changes mentioned in the release announcement, correct?

Dear @qojote ,

Could you tell us what changes are you particularly interested in?

Best Regards,

The main change we are interested in is the wifi backport as one of our iMX6ULL-based products has issues with wifi crashes. Another point is the RT kernel for the iMX6.

Dear @qojote ,

Yes, you are right! The Wifi backport is available in the integration Branch

Best Regards,

Great, then i will test the wifi backports. Can you mark this ticket as solved?

Perfect! I shall do that…

Dear @qojote ,

This is because we haven’t yet officially released this version yet. Could you please check back again at the end of Q2?

Best regards,