How to configure custom UART?


When the aliases don’t work you can’t use the ttySX device.
But the aliases work on the overlay when you write the device in full path like this:

&{/} {
	aliases {
		serial5 = "/bus@f0000/serial@2860000";

It is nice to know that you can check the actual device tree like this:

torizon@verdin-am62-15207055:~$ ls /proc/device-tree/
'#address-cells'   cpus               memory@80000000     regulator-1v8-dsi        serial-number
'#size-cells'      extcon-usb0        model               regulator-1v8-eth        thermal-zones
 __symbols__       firmware           name                regulator-3v3            timer-cl0-cpu0
 aliases           gpio-keys          opp-table           regulator-sdhci1         toradex,board-rev
 bus@f0000         interrupt-parent   pmu                 regulator-sdhci1-vqmmc   toradex,product-id
 chosen            l2-cache0          regulator-1v0-eth   regulator-vsodimm        wifi-pwrseq
 compatible        leds               regulator-1v2-dsi   reserved-memory
torizon@verdin-am62-15207055:~$ ls /proc/device-tree/aliases/
can0  ethernet0  i2c0  i2c2  i2c4  mmc1  name  rtc1     serial1  serial3  serial5  usb0
can1  ethernet1  i2c1  i2c3  mmc0  mmc2  rtc0  serial0  serial2  serial4  serial6  usb1
torizon@verdin-am62-15207055:~$ sudo cat /proc/device-tree/aliases/serial5