Hide mouse cursor apalis iMX8QM with TorizonCore and Docker Compose

Hi @ml_man,

While waiting for your response we did some tests based on this post (Hide mouse cursor apalis iMX8QM - #15 by anonymouse) and using your container I was able to successfully apply the transparent mouse cursor that you’ve linked. Here is what I did:

  • Accessed the device via SSH;

  • In /home/torizon I created 2 directories:

    • cursors , which has the transparent file from the GitHub link you sent us, named as left_ptr ;

    • weston , which has the attached weston.ini .

  • Then, I ran the following command: docker run -e ACCEPT_FSL_EULA=1 -d --rm --name=weston --net=host --cap-add CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG -v /home/torizon/cursors/:/usr/share/icons/hicolor/cursors/ -v /home/torizon/weston/:/etc/xdg/weston -v /dev:/dev -v /tmp:/tmp -v /run/udev/:/run/udev/ --device-cgroup-rule='c 4:* rmw' --device-cgroup-rule='c 13:* rmw' --device-cgroup-rule='c 199:* rmw' --device-cgroup-rule='c 226:* rmw' mlorek/base-vivante:latest weston-launch --tty=/dev/tty7 --user=torizon

  • Note that this should also work with our torizon/weston-vivante container;

  • To confirm that the cursor is there I’ve used a program that traces the mouse path in its window called weston-clickdot . To execute it:

    • Access your running Weston container with docker exec -it weston bash;
    • Inside there run weston-clickdot ; a window should appear on the screen;
    • Connect your touch controller and interact with the screen passing through the window; the path will be marked by a white line when that happens.

This was done in TorizonCore 5.6.0. If you haven’t solved your problem yet please let me know if this helps you in any way.

Best regards,
Lucas Akira

weston.ini (1.2 KB)

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