Grafana sample not showing anything on local display


I try to run the multiple container sample with Grafana on a iMX6DL.
I startet with the Torizon image containing evaluation containers. Then i delete all exect the portainer container.

When I start the Grafana sample everything works expect the local display!!


colibri-imx6-05175073:~/grafana$ dcolibri-imx6-05175073:~/grafana$ docker-compose up -d
Starting collectd ... done
Starting influxdb ... done
Starting weston   ... done
Starting grafana  ... done
Starting kiosk    ... done

Se the image for the portainer status. The Kios and Weston do not run.
The Grafana sample works fint when using a browser for remote access…


Hi @TJO,

According to our Demo References for Torizon here - Using Multiple Containers with TorizonCore | Toradex Developer Center

It is possible to show Grafana on local video output, in addition to having it served over a network interface. To make this possible, we bring-up a Weston container and a Chromium container in kiosk mode. This is an optional part of the demo that uses 2 extra containers and an extra YAML (.yml) file. You can easily remove it if you want.

So, to visualize Grafana on a local video output, you must have Weston (and kiosk) running, and it’s not in your case.

I’ll try to reproduce this issue here locally, and I’ll provide feedback later.

Best regards,
André Curvello

Hi André

I may have found the issue. I used easy Installer yesterday grabing the latest TorizonCore image.
Its is version 4.0.0 - devel - 202007.

But the latest is 4.0.0-devel-202008 (Release date: 2020-07-31) has this issye fixed:

TOR-1172 Known Issue Kiosk container not working in sht31 and grafana sample

This was released yesterday also, so i guess I just missed it when I updated the module

I guess I just need to update my image.


Very good news, @TJO.

Please let me know about the results.

As soon I can downloaf the 202008 release. I can only find the 202007


I managed finding the latest Torizon build. Still the same Kiosk/weston not running.
But grafana etc is running



I saw that you opened another Thread for the Torizon release issue.
I hope you have it now cleared. The best way to keep tracking new releases is by the CI feed on Toradex Easy Installer directly.

Then, going back to the Grafana issue, it appears that your problem is now solved with the latest Torizon build, right?

And about the Kiost and Weston, I’ll report it internally to check what is happening.

Thank you.

Best regards,
André Curvello


No, the issue is still there. Kiosk and Weston do not run


TorizonCore 4.0.0-devel-202008+build.21 colibri-imx6-05175073 ttymxc0

colibri-imx6-05175073 login: torizon
Last login: Wed Aug 12 12:31:18 UTC 2020 on tty1
colibri-imx6-05175073:~$ cd grafana/
colibri-imx6-05175073:~/grafana$ docker-compose up -d
Starting weston ...
influxdb is up-to-date
collectd is up-to-date
Starting weston ... done
Starting kiosk  ... done
colibri-imx6-05175073:~/grafana$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                   COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
58b48fb6f2df        grafana/grafana:6.7.1   "/"                17 hours ago        Up 17 hours>3000/tcp   grafana
99646b72f4e5        grafana_collectd        "collectd -f"            17 hours ago        Up 17 hours                                  collectd
ab3429bc582d        influxdb:1.7.10         "/ infl…"   17 hours ago        Up 17 hours                                  influxdb


I failed updating the composer files, so I pulled the arm64v8 version og Weston and Kiosk. They do not work on the iMX6

I can now run the sample onthe local screen.

But when I log in, I get an out off memory from Chromium


Hi @TJO,

The iMX6 is 32-bit. So you have to pull the Arm32v7 version for it.

Best regards,
André Curvello


This did it. I can now run locally…sort off…

It is just a matter of time, after I entered login credentials. Than there comes a lot of out of emmory exception, and the module freeze and need a reboot.

I guess there is not enough power to run a browser on it


Hi @TJO,

Are you still using the iMX6S?

Best regards,
André Curvello


No I moved to a iMX6DL module.

Hi @TJO,
I reproduced this issue using a Colibri iMX6DL and everything seems to be fine.

I followed this steps here, on a fresh new Torizon 4 installation:

See the containers running:
alt text

Please let me know if this issue still persists.

Best regards,
André Curvello