Getting Started

As an early access partner/customer you have received a Colibri iMX8QXP. The modules work with any carrier board for Colibries, however the provided device tree targets the Colibri Evaluation Board or the Iris carrier board.

For V1.0A Modules:

The SoM is configured to boot from SD Card.

The image and corresponding SDK can be downloaded from the following location:

To write the image file to an SD card unmount all partitions of the sdcard and use dd to write the image

sudo umount /dev/<sdcard>?
bzcat <image file name> | sudo dd of=/dev/<sdcard> bs=4M

The Toradex BSP is based on the NXP L4.9.123_2.3.0_8MM_GA BSP. You can find NXP’s BSP documentation here.

For a list of tested features and known issues refer to the README-TORADEX file in the BSP layer.
Notably: Currently, there is no working display connection available. You are not able to connect any display.

For V1.0B Modules:

The SoM is strapped to boot from eFuses which are factory fused to boot from eMMC.

The image and corresponding SDK can be downloaded from the following location:

To write the image file to eMMC have a look at the following article on our developer website:

The Toradex BSP is based on the NXP L4.14.78_1.0.0_GA BSP. You can find NXP’s BSP documentation here.

Notably: Currently, there are only DSI or LVDS display connections available. You are only able to connect any displays using an external DSI to HDMI Adapter or an LVDS Cable/Adapter.

For datasheets have a look here.

On are more articles for the Colibri iMX8QXP available: