Flash endurance: how often can I write a 500Byte File to a 1GB flashdisk (WinCE8/WEC2013)

I do the following rough calculation:

The size of my file is less than 512 bytes.
Flashdisk size is 1GB. All the flashdisk is used to store just one file (file size is less than 512 bytes)
Flash can be erased in 512Byte blocks.
Each Flash block can be erased 10K times.
Windows is managing corrupted blocks.

Size of Flashdisk 1GB: 1.000.000 Kilobytes
Amount of 512Byte Blocks in Flashdisk: 2.000.000 Blocks
Each Block can be erased 10.000 Times: Erase cycles

So in this Theory the file could be written 2,0e+10 times.
What do you think about this theory?

Dear @Matthias

There are a number of factors which reduce your estimated erase cycle count:

  1. The smallest writeable unit is a page (2 kB)
  2. Only unallocated space is used for wear leveling. Let’s assume the OS image, reserved management area and your application occupy 200MB, there’s only 800MB left for your file.
  3. Writing a file also requires to update the TFAT table (3 pages)
  4. There are lower-layer mapping tables which are required for wear leveling (10 pages)

Steps 2 and 3 are cached, they are updated not more than once or twice a second. But you see, for rare writes, there’s a massive overhead required.

Please be aware that my statements are rough estimations, not precisely evaluated data.

To recalculate your use case:

  • Total space: 800MB / 2kB = 400.000 pages
  • 14 pages per file write => 400.000/14 = 29.000 file writes to fill the flash once
  • 10k erase cycles => 10.000 x 29.000 file writes = 290e6 file writes total

Regards, Andy

Dear @Matthias
We are just about to prepare a webinar you might be interested in:

Regards, Andy

Dear Andy,
thank you very much for you detailled answer.

Regards, Matthias

Dear Andy,
thank you very much for you detailled answer.

Regards, Matthias