Fan doesn't rotate on Apalis iMX8 Embedded Vision Starter Kit

Hi @Pavel_52 , I checked with the Toradex Easy Installer team and the “feeds blocking” issue seems to be solved (the list got a bit too long after adding new variations). Can you try again and see if we can access the CI feed (3rd checkbox), navigate as normal and try to install the latest version of Toradex Easy Installer (remember to check the date format: YYYYMMDD)?

Hi Alvaro,

I checked 3rd checkbox, refreshed, selected this image (pls, see image below) and then installed it.

What could be the next step - try to install one of the images ?
P.S. During this exercise the JP2 was out. Should I put it in place ?

Hi Pavel, yes, as mentioned in my below comment:

navigate as normal and try to install the latest version of Toradex Easy Installer (remember to check the date format: YYYYMMDD)

20200506 should be OK but just to be sure, better to install the latest.

As for JP2, no need, as this it is just for the USB.

Install it and let us know if the FAN spins. If not, check the voltage of the pins and let us know.

Well, this time I selected this one … I suppose the last one:

After installation and rebooting the fan still doesn’t rotate.

JP2 is in place.



Sorry, I forgot voltages.
Here they are:


BLACK-RED: quite strange … sometimes 0, sometimes some value in the range 45 … 200mV. And while I measure it, the value doesn’t change

As you also probably noticed, with 3rd box selected and refreshed every image in the list appears 2 times.

Hi @Pavel_52

As you may know because of your experience with other embedded devices, one needs a good combination of hardware and software to make things work.
You installed the Toradex Easy Installer image which is intended to flash a image of your choice and does not have any other functionality. I would suggest you to install the 4.0.0-devel-X-verification image or build yourself the image of your choice as explained here.

Best regards,

Hi Jaski,

Thanks for suggestion. Will it help to resolve the problem with fan ?

I am sure, yes. If not then I would suggest you file up a RMA.

Best regards,

Hi Jaski,

Sorry, these last days I was busy with other things.
This morning I tried 4.0.0-devel-X-verification.
Once more - login problem.
I’ve tried:

  • admin/
  • toradex/toradex

Doesn’t work. Does exist a page on 4.0.0-devel-X-verification on Toradex site ?

I searched for, but didn’t find.

Hi Pavel

Is the Fan working now?

Best regards,

Hi Jaski,
But I thought that once 4.0.0-devel-X-verification installed I have to run some diagnostic tool.



There are no diagnostic tools. As I already said, I would suggest you file up a RMA.

I apologize for my ignorance but I don’t know what it is RMA.

It is Return Material Authorization. You can find the link here.

Well, I probably have to contact Tech. Support.

BTW your link “here” return me the page of this post.



You are communicating with Tech. Support. Could you check this Link?

Best regards,

Now it’s Ok.

You are welcome.

Best regards,