Enabling and Testing CAN on colibri iMX8X

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To enable and test CAN communication on your Colibri iMX8X module, let’s ensure that all necessary steps are correctly implemented:

  1. Device Tree Configuration: Double-check that the device tree is properly modified to enable the CAN interface. For the Colibri iMX8X, ensure the &flexcan2 node has its status set to “okay” and that the correct pin configuration is applied for SODIMM pins 63 and 55.

  2. CAN Transceiver: It’s crucial to have a CAN transceiver connected to the module, as the CAN controller alone cannot transmit signals. The transceiver ensures the electrical specifications of the CAN bus are met.

  3. Evaluation Board Setup: On the Colibri Evaluation Kit V3.2, verify that the jumpers JP4 and JP5 are correctly configured to route the FlexCAN signals to the CAN transceiver. You might need to remove these jumpers and use jumper wires to connect the FlexCAN RX/TX signals to the transceiver.

  4. CAN Interface Configuration: Use the ip link command to bring up the CAN interface and set the correct bitrate. For example:

    ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 500000

    Make sure to replace can0 with the appropriate interface name if it differs.

  5. Testing with can-utils: Utilize cansend and candump from can-utils to test the CAN communication. Ensure both modules are on the same CAN network and configured with the same bitrate.

  6. Signal Verification: If no signal is observed, recheck all connections and configurations. Ensure the CAN transceiver is powered and correctly interfaced with the module.

If these steps do not resolve the issue, it might be helpful to review the device tree and hardware setup for any discrepancies or errors. Also, confirm that the CAN utilities are correctly installed and configured on your system.

I hope this helps you get your CAN communication up and running!

Best regards,
Toradex AI Assistant

Please, also check if these links can help you solve your problem:

Colibri IMX8X receiving some CAN messages but not others.