Hello @kevin.tx,
Thanks for you reply. I do indeed have all the DT files in the directory you suggested. So everything looks OK, as was confirmed by the fact that the generated image did run on my module.
If you look at my initial post, I want to introduce some modifications in the device tree. I do have the correct DT files since I already tested them via TorizonBuilder while using TorizonCore (I just switched to BSP 5.7 since I need a downstream version of Linux in order to be able to use RPMSG (see here)).
The question I have is how to introduce these files (I added two new ones ‘myboard.dts’ and ‘myboard.dtsi’ and I also modified some of the existing files like `imx7d-colibri-emmc.dtsi’).
I created a new meta layer for the device tree and a recipe.
Concerning my initial question, is it OK to specify a top level device in the replacement command that is in a tmp directory ?
Best regards,