The version of Multimedia-Reference-Image::
And Bellow code::
int width[3], height[3];
int num_of_screens;
// check multiple screens
QList <QScreen*> screens = QGuiApplication::screens();
num_of_screens = screens.size();
qDebug() << "the number of display: " << num_of_screens;
for (int i = 0; i < screens.size(); i++) {
width[i] = screens[i]->geometry().width();
height[i] = screens[i]->geometry().height();
auto name = screens[i]->name();
qDebug() << "[" << i << " " << name << "]" << \
width[i] << " x " << height[i];
And The result of it::
root@apalis-imx8:~# ./doubleScreen
the number of display: 2
qt.qpa.wayland: Setting cursor position is not possible on wayland
[ 0 "HDMI-A-1" ] 1920 x 1080
[ 1 "LVDS-1" ] 1280 x 800