Chromium container cannot render 3D content on Verdin iMX8M-Mini

Hi @jeremias.tx
I want to add some news on this topic.
Based on your suggestion here I modified the startup script

  • removing --disable-gpu
  • adding --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland as explained in the Igalia document I mentioned above

In this way the CodeSandbox demo runs inside the container, but the performance are poor.
The performance becomes poorer if I set the parameter --in-process-gpu (I don’t know exactly its purpose, but some online resources suggest to use it).
So I think that basically the road seems promisingly, but some more tuning and test is necessary (to understand which parameters should be passed to Chromium).

A more complex 3D example doesn’t work with client exception (but this can be memory overflow or other issues - investigation needed).