Benchmark Tests - no results


I wanted to run some test to artificially load the CPU to generate heat for worse case temperature measurements. I there tried to use the Toradex Benchmarks Tests. when executing the command ./ I see the CPU is busy with something. However when I open the results log files (in the map “results” in my home folder) I get the message: “[PROBLEM] You must enter at least one test, suite, or result identifier to run”.
Also get a “[PROBLEM] … is not installed”, the dots indicating the specific test. Also executing “” does not solve it.

Do I need to perform extra steps, that are not documented, to perform those test? is the Linux version incorrect?

Thanks in advance, Remco


FYI: In the main view I see that there is an answer posted on this topic. However when I go into it, I do not see the comment. I do not had this problem before or with other topic that I opened today. I use Chrome, but the same with Edge.

Hi @Remcovh: I just internally forwarded this question to the person who has developed the benchmark tests. Thats why you don’t see the message.

Hi @Remcovh,

Unfortunately the benchmark tests script is not being actively maintained on the reference page you have linked to. I’ll add to our backlog to review it, but to enable you to run your tests independent of that, below are some remarks.

To load all CPU cores you can run stress:

stress --cpu 4

If you are using other HW units than CPU, you may wan to stress them as well together with the CPU, as it will generate more heat.

For GPU, one could use glmark. You can build it using OpenEmbedded. See the references:

For IPU and VPU, if it makes sense that you also need to account for heating generated by them, you may try to come up with a HW accelerated Gstreamer pipeline to e.g. encode video from a webcam and/or play an x264 econded video in a loop. See references:

p.s. in case you haven’t yet come across it, there are some references about thermal management and temperature monitoring that may be useful:

Best regards

Thank you for the detailed answer. I will straight away use it.

You are welcome. Let us know if you have any questions.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am currently out of the office on vacation. I will reply as soon as possible to your message when I return on 02-09-2019.

Your message wil not be automatically forwarded. In urgent cases, you can contact HardwareDevelopers@Noldus.NL.

Kind regards / Met vriendelijke groet,


Ing. Remco van Hardeveld

Electronic Engineer

Office +31-317-473300

Nieuwe Kanaal 5 | 6709 PA Wageningen

Gelderland | The Netherlands |