ApolloX tcb project: rename a folder changes docker-compose.yml

I notice a strange thing when I work with a TorizonCore Builder project in ApolloX (on WSL - I didn’t try in Linux).
Below you can see that if I rename the folder storage, the file docker-compose.yml is changed unexpectedly.
It seems that the last line is moved (appended) to the previous line (it seems that the end-of-line is removed).
And as a consequence, the YAML parser starts complaining about malformed yaml (and it’s right).

@matheus.tx can you double check?

Hey @vix,

yeah, this was strange. The extension need to refresh the file to check changes on the workspace, so linter can update the tips. But it should not make these weird changes. I will take a look on it. Thanks for the report, I will notify you here with news.

Best regards,

Hey @vix

the TorizonCore Builder extension was updated to the version 0.0.9, and this issue should be fixed.

Best Regards,

I confirm it has been fixed.
