Alternative recovery tool processes


Is there a way to install easy installer from the update tool in WEC 2013 instead of going through the recovery process? I have not had success with the recovery tool in Windows 7, but have been able to successfully use the recovery tool with Windows 10. Unfortunately, many of my team members have Windows 7 installed and cannot use the recovery tool. It would be convenient to upload the bootloader and image with the update tool since that would remove host PC as a potential source of failure for the recovery.

What linux distributions are the script compatible with? It might be easier for my team to install linux on a PC as a recovery workstation.


Sorry but I don’t get your point.
Do you want to install the Easy installer on a module running WEC2013?

@valter.tx Yes, I would like to install easy installer on a module running WEC2013 so that I can perform a bootloader, OS, config block, and splash screen update in one pass. I did find that if I perform the recovery procedure in Linux (same PC that failed with Windows 7) the procedure would work. I used a live USB OS image (Ubuntu 18.04) to successfully execute


You can update those components also using the update tool that is part of CE image. You can create a batch file to run them without user interaction, if needed.

i am using apalis imx8 ixora 1.1
i installed android11 but i can’t uninstall android
how to recocover

Please open a new support request when your question it’s not strictly connected to the original topic.
Anyway you can enter recovery mode as described here:

and then use the easy installer from your Linux or Windows PC to run the easy installer and install a different OS.
Here’s you can find detailed instructions: